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Fotona Class 4 Laser

With the introduction of Fotona laser procedures to Peterson Clinic, several treatments have become

available to support the whole person. The unique combination of two laser wavelengths provided by

Nd:YAG and Er:YAG allow for procedures that are gentle enough to prevent unwanted damage while

being strong enough to penetrate and target the desired tissues. With laser we are able to get great  results with limited discomfort during the procedures and no down time.


The following is a list of current laser services offered:

  • Nightlase C3 for snoring and sleep apnea

  • Naselase for nasal collapse and allergies

  • Treatment of spider veins

  • Treatment of hemangiomas

  • Treatment of venous lakes

  • Treatment of rosacea

  • Treatment of active acne

  • Treatment of toenail fungus

  • Treatment of warts


Nightlase C3:

As the Peterson Clinic has continued to help work towards establishing healthy habits and lifestyle; sleep

has been a consistent area of focus for many of our patients. Getting good, restful sleep is critical to the

healing process. It comes as no surprise that sleep disordered breathing has been associated with

hypertension, headaches and migraines, impotence, depression, cardiovascular disease (including

increased incidence of heart attack and stroke), attention/concentration issues, fatigue, increased

stress, inability to lose weight, aging, diminished healing and immune function. Many of the options

offered for sleep disorder breathing can be expensive and poorly tolerated but given their importance

and lack of alternatives many are forced to make it work.


Nightlase C3 is a game changer for snoring and sleep apnea. This minimally invasive laser procedure is

an alternative that can deliver great results. The procedure is typically performed over the course

of 6 weeks in 3 consecutive treatment sessions spaced 3 weeks apart. Maintenance is typically required

annually. It works by providing thermal energy to the floor of the mouth, uvula, soft palate, back of the

tongue, and surrounding tissues. The result of this thermal energy is contraction which leaves the area

more open. It also stimulates collagen remodeling and conversion that provides increased resistance to

collapse. Additional benefits are noted due to changes in the fascia and neuromuscular effects as a

result of the unique combination of the two laser wavelengths. With each session the benefits stack

upon the previous session, producing better and better outcomes. Significant reduction or elimination

of snoring can be achieved. AHI scores also typically improve, allowing adequate oxygenation to occur

while sleeping. In some cases, additional treatment for obstructive sleep apnea may not be necessary

with the Nightlase C3 protocol, though monitoring and instructions from your healthcare provider are

important to ensuring adequate results prior to making that decision. Someone who is unable to tolerate their CPAP machine may also be evaluated and treated with Nightlase as a possible alternative.


Those undergoing the Nightlase C3 protocol are expected to undergo a number of screening tools including having a sleep study within 1 year of treatment and a follow up study within 3 months of the last procedure. The Peterson Clinic does provide at home sleep studies through WatchPAT which are offered at a very low cost between $200 and $350 depending on the model selected. After being cleared as a candidate and consulting with the provider who will perform the Nightlase procedure, an appointment for the first procedure can be scheduled. Those who have the Nightlase C3 procedure can expect mild discomfort during the procedure itself in the form of heat and an occasional stinging sensation. The laser is not used to cut and should not cause open wounds of any kind. This means the procedures are typically well tolerated even without anesthetics. After each procedure there may, or may not be, mild irritation in the mouth or throat. Good hydration limits this and typically those side effects are gone after 24 hours. There is no change to taste, swallowing, or voice following the procedures. Some report improvements in daytime breathing in addition to nighttime breathing.



Naselase is a laser procedure used to open the nasal passageway, prevent its collapse and diminish inflammation caused by allergies, sinusitis or other irritants. It involves a series of 3 procedures over the course of 6 weeks which build on each other for improved results. After each procedure a device called a nose vent is temporarily placed to encourage dilation of the nasal passageway. The procedure may alleviate snoring in those whose nasal passageway is involved. Breathing through your nose instead of your mouth at night can improve health in several ways. Inquire more about this procedure when meeting with one of our providers.


Laser treatment of toenail fungus:

Laser is great approach to addressing toenail fungus. Toenail fungus is notoriously stubborn and resistant to most treatments. Oral antifungals while often effective, tend to be damaging to the liver and do nothing to prevent re-occurrence. Most topical treatments simply cannot penetrate deep enough to fully knock out the infection. Laser is able to penetrate deep enough to kill the fungus and also prevent the spread. It can be done alone, or in conjunction with other treatments for the most difficult of cases. Laser treatment of toenail fungus requires multiple sessions. At the Peterson Clinic the protocol recommends a minimum of 4 sessions spaced approximately 1 week from each other. Follow up sessions are recommended at 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months to prevent re-occurrence.

Other laser procedures:

Other laser procedures offered by Peterson Clinic fall primarily into three categories: treatment of infection, vascular changes, or aesthetics. The treatments for acne and warts both involve treatments that are designed to kill the infections and make them less likely to re-occur. The treatment of spider veins, hemangiomas, venous lakes, and rosacea involve the laser targeting underlying vasculature and making changes that improve the appearance over time. As each case varies depending on the number of sites, size of areas, and other factors it is best to simply inquire more information by setting up a consult with a laser provider at Peterson Clinic to determine if laser is a good option for you. While the laser is capable of many other procedures, primarily in the aesthetic realm for scar revision, hair removal, facial rejuvenation and more, these services are not currently provided at Peterson Clinic. However, if you wish to discuss them with one of the providers at Peterson Clinic, you may be able to be referred through the network of laser providers we have access to.



Getting started:

While each of our providers are familiar with the laser services provided and are able to screen you prior to laser treatments, our only provider actively performing the procedures at this time is Anton Alder, ND. He underwent extensive Fotona laser training that involved didactic and hands on training in Texas and additional in-clinic training here at the Peterson Clinic. Prior to any laser procedure, all patients will have a consult directly with him to ensure that proper screening has taken place, the procedures are well understood, safety measures are taken to optimize results and limit side effects, and final plans are mutually agreed upon by doctor and patient.


Insurance does not cover the cost of any of the laser treatments at Peterson Clinic. Each procedure is self-pay at the time of service. Packages may be available to decrease the cost of multiple procedures. If you have any questions about any of the procedures offered or their cost, please call the clinic at (541) 567-6277.

(541) 567-6277

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